Innovation During Uncertain Times
In my lifetime there have been many social and economic events that shifted the world. We can all agree that the convergence of the International COVID 19 Pandemic and the Movement for Racial Equality offers a new level of chaos. Not one corner of the world (except Anarctica) is free from strife and suffering from these two crises. This is not a political post about what to call either crisis or whether the world is ever crisis free (it is not). Instead, I use my time here to highlight the need for strategies and awareness in dealing with uncertainty. Time to innovate.
Yesterday I read that Broadway shows are cancelled till January 2021. My heart goes out to all my friends in the business. They have begun offering private lessons via Zoom and sharing their performing talents for free on social. Other entire industries like travel are operating at 10% to 40% of volume. In a recent National Retail Federation interview, Chris Nassetta, Hilton President and CEO shared his insights. He talked about hitting bottom at 5% of revenue and fighting back up. The innovation of partnering with the most trusted brand in cleaning, Lysol helped them lead the way in assuring customers that safety comes first. “Hilton Clean Stay with Lysol Protection” launched in June 2020. This example of responding to serious market demands. He reported a steady increase in revenue with hopes to continue the rise.
A local photographer quickly innovated when all of her weddings and corporate events were cancelled. She pivoted to offering product photography and Shopify store set up for businesses going online for the first time. This turn-key approach was an excellent solution for the small businesses facing an immediate need to service customers and provide revenue. Brandi Image of St. Petersburg answered the call for her own business needs and others. Post pandemic, she will benefit from all of these new client relationships.
Finally, in my own business of Coaching Executives and Entrepreneurs, I decided to offer a weekly webinar for Charity. In an average month, I travel out of town for speaking events, conferences and training. 2020 has been anything but average! My webinars cover the most important personal and business development topics designed to bring information and hope to many. Connecting with my community every week is a small way for me to give back and make a positive difference. There are so many ways we can support each other. Please reach out to me if I can help you innovate! If I don’t know the answer, ask anyone… I will do my best to help you find it.
Light Your Fire!
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