
Build your business network

How to Reach Decision Makers

Since March, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced many business professionals to work from their home offices.  I have experienced an exponential increase in unsolicited marketing emails and LinkedIn connection requests.  Have you? I wish I could say it has been a welcome experience, but there seems to be a common thread in most ALL these messages. They tell me they are...

Career Help

3 Ways to Help a Friend or Colleague Find a Job

Considering the tens of millions of newly unemployed Americans, most of us know someone who was unexpectedly thrust into a suddenly competitive job market. Amazing candidates now face staggering numbers and many report feelings of worry and overwhelm. Of course, we all have the best intentions and want to help our friends or colleagues in need. But it can be...

Personal Brand Online

Google Yourself

Many of my clients share one crucial misconception: they think they do not need a personal brand. Let us clear this up quickly, because in the digital age, everything aggregates. So, whether you know it or not, you’ve likely already got one, and you need one. Our cell phones give us immediate access to more information than world leaders of...

Tell Your Story - Typewriter

The Impact of Sharing Your Story

Why do stories matter? One thing that connects every human is that we each have a story to tell. Many of us are fortunate enough to have multiple chapters. But no matter how young or old, we are rich with details of our lives, challenges, triumphs, world view and passions. The art of storytelling began long ago in our earliest records...


Practice Entrepreneurship at Work And Everyone Can Win – 5 ways to strengthen your entrepreneurial skills as an employee.

5 Ways to strengthen your entrepreneurial skills as an employee. While the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship become truly tangible only in its daily practice, not everyone needs to start their own business to benefit from its key elements. In fact, embracing the entrepreneurial spirit can increase job satisfaction, whether you plan to venture out on your own someday or simply want a more...

Women in Business - Empowerment

Empowering Women, One Relationship at a Time

Answer the call to build each other up! Step One: Like, Comment and Share on Social Media Get active on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram - and not just for promoting your own work.  Supportive networks strengthen platforms for communication, so following and supporting women on social can increase their reach and improve credibility.  Be genuine with comments and compliments, and...

Email-Marketing- What are you doing?

Small Biz Email Marketing: Make it or Break it!

In this age of digital chaos and over-communicating, things too quickly convolute. Small business brands are constantly sending mixed-marketing messages... or worse, they don't have a coherent message to begin with. What are you regularly doing to stay in touch with customers that communicates your vision, mission, and authentic brand voice in a constructive and coherent way?  Are you using email...


The Power of Mentoring

The first time I heard someone refer to me as their “mentor,” I felt embarrassed and ashamed rather than happy and proud. Me? This accomplished young executive had clearly made some mistake. Turns out, I was suffering from “imposter syndrome,” a phenomenon prevalent in today’s business environment.  Dr. Valerie Young is an expert on the subject and breaks it down in...


3 Tools to Manage Digital Chaos & Improve Your Life

There's nothing worse than filling your day with tons of activity, only to realize that you never even completed the most important thing. So how can you actually take steps to manage all the chaos and feel better while doing it? 1. Turn off phone notifications from social media and email. This may seem like the easiest and most logical step,...


Don’t let fear hold you back. Get out of your own way!

People ask me all the time: Do you ever struggle with fear? How do you get out of your own way? The answer I often respond with is, "Yes, absolutely. I'm often fearful!" This topic strikes a deep chord with me because it is the great equalizer. As humans, we are hard-wired and designed to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Fear is...